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Health: How much damage you can take before being defeated ((Starts at 100 for Shinigami in training/Quincy in training/human))
Spiritual Power: How much energy you have towards performing attacks ((Starts at 50 for Shinigami in training/Quincy in training/human))
Speed: Improves your chances of dodging an attack((Starts at 10 for Shinigami in training/Quincy in training/human))
Dexterity: Improves your chances of hitting someone with an attack((Starts at 10 for Shinigami in training/Quincy in training/human))
Strength: Every 20 strength increases your base damage by 1. So for 0-19 you have 1 damage.((Starts at 10 for Shinigami in training/Quincy in training/human))
Intelligence: Improves your chances of gathering information and things of that sort((Starts at 10 for Shinigami in training/Quincy in training/human))
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- Code:
Spiritual Power: